My second time on Tige Pratt's Guy's Dive. This year it was a week in the Florida Keys. Not sure what was better the diving or the food. Too little diving we were blown on most of the week with high sea and rain. We made up for by doing local touring and a couple trips to Key West for Fantasy Fest, there is a party that is off the hook.
Tige completed his Full Face Mask Certification, Carl complete his deep diver cert as well achieved the rank of Master Diver!. Matt also completed his Full Face Mask cert as well I found out after we got back he achieved the rank of Century Diver! Nice going everyone!
Hoping to join them next year!
Could not ask for better conditions.
This video was on that same dive taken by Ocean Divers Dive Guide "Al" I think there is a glimpse of me in one of the frames.
Tige took this video. I was his buddy and just to his right when he filmed this. Very cool to see. The ray stayed at about that distance and with us for most of our dive. A treat to see.
Lobster in the lagoon! We stayed at a condo in Kawama Yacht Club. There was a salt water lagoon behind the condo. Beside some very respectable size iguana running around at dusk one night Carl spotted a nice size lobster moving along the edge of the lagoon. Noooo this one did not end up on our seafood boil, but it could have!